<aside> 💡 All extensions listed below are works in progress unless otherwise noted. There still may be bugs and/or unfinished features. Use at your own risk!


This is an unofficial community-maintained page for extensions created for Owlbear Rodeo 2.0. Please join the Discord if you can’t find an answer here.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/UY8AXjhzhe


Name Description Install Link
Mystic Mirror Mystic Mirror is a simple plugin that allows you to manipulate the viewport, save viewport presets, and even have the viewport attached to (and following) a token. NB. the URL requested in the Action popover must have ‘owlbear.rodeo’ replaced with ‘owlbear.app’ as the extensions hasn’t been updated after the 2.0 launch and related domain change. https://obr-presentor.vercel.app/manifest.json
Google Sheet Allows linking google sheets. https://obr-ext-gsheet.onrender.com/manifest.json
Simple Resource Manager A simple resource manager. Apples. https://simplerm.onrender.com/manifest.json (Link currently not working)
Token Anonymizer Lock tokens so they can't be clicked or interacted with by players https://owlbear-token-anonymizer.davidsev.co.uk/manifest.json
Aurora A (very early-stage) global lighting extension, to allow different ‘time of day’ filters to be applied to the whole OR 2 viewport. Please do not wait on me, this could be months (years?) in the making! (not yet shared - contact Andrew [several_record7234] on the Discord for further information)
FIST - Ultra Edition Includes Character Sheets and some Tools for FIST https://fist-extension.onrender.com/manifest.json
GenesysRef A window into GenesysRef for quick lookups during your game. https://genesysref-owlbearrodeo.netlify.app/manifest.json
MultiCounterE 3 counters you can change the colours of https://obmc.onrender.com/manifest.json
Chronicle! A (beta) for character sheets within OBR https://chronicle.battle-system.com/manifest.json
Outliner GM Like Outliner but not available to players outliner-gm.onrender.com/manifest.json
Grand Design Let’s you do full screen overlays and ‘pause’ so no one can input https://grand-design.onrender.com/manifest.json
Intangible Images Makes images unclickable https://pulpscape-intangible-images.onrender.com/manifest.json
Shuffle Cards Shuffles cards https://pulpscape-shuffle.onrender.com/manifest.json
Dragonbane Initiative Tracker An initiative tracker for Dragonbane. https://nboughton.uk/apps/obr-dragonbane-initiative/manifest.json
ShadowBox for GM's playing shadowdark on owlbear rodeo. It let's you reference
Items, Monsters, Spells (maybe roll tables) and also share them with your players.
It will also let you create new or edit existing items, monsters or spells in the core shadow dark rule book
You can also select PDFs of purchased books and it will import everything from those books as well. https://shadow-box.online/manifest.json
Journal! Party accessible notetaker for room/campaign https://journal.battle-system.com/manifest.json
Short Rest! A pause screen with toggles for each player to say when they are back. Supports messaging, a timer and group Tetris. https://shortrest.battle-system.com/manifest.json
Decked! A customizable card deck creator. https://decked.battle-system.com/manifest.json
Tidy Text Lightweight tool to toggle the visibility of names https://tidytext.toadkingdom.com/manifest.json
Sheet from Beyond A tool that allows ‘attaching’ links to tokens, which can be opened up in a new tab/window or via popover https://sheet-from-beyond.vercel.app/manifest.json
Viewport Presets Easily jump to different spots/areas in a scene https://viewportpresets.omarbenmegdoul.me/manifest.json
Links A bookmark manager for quick-referencing materials in your room https://obr-links.web.app/manifest.json
Alien Dice A modified version of OBR Dice for Alien RPG https://alien-dice.onrender.com/manifest.json
Map Location Keys Add location keys to your map by attaching them to text items https://map-location-keys.vercel.app/manifest.json
Cut & Glue Adds extra tools to the OBR Tools for cutting/merging/fixing paths https://resident-uhlig.gitlab.io/owlbear-rodeo-cut-and-glue/manifest.json
Valdur’s Heroic Codex 5e Compatible Character Sheets https://owlbear.vald.io/manifest.json
Universal UVTT Upload https://nilskk.github.io/owlbear-universalvtt-upload/manifest.json
Moonbeam "Automate your game to the next level, including visual and sound effects using prebuilt and customisable macros." https://moonbeam-obr.onrender.com/manifest.json
Salvage Union Compendium https://salvage-union-compedium.onrender.com/manifest.json
Salvage Union Sheets https://salvage-union.onrender.com/manifest.json
Salvage Union Chat https://salvage-union-chat.onrender.com/manifest.json
Dragonbane Character Sheets https://nboughton.uk/apps/obr-dragonbane-sheet/manifest.json
External Links "Attach links to characters and mounts for sheets, docs, and more!" https://obr-external-links.gravitydeficient.com/manifest.json
DCC Helper A wrapper view of the great Crawler's Companion tool for DCC (<https://crawler.purplesorcerer.com>) https://dccrpg.s3.amazonaws.com/owlbear/manifest.json
Action Tracker Track player actions and manage action tokens for Daggerheart and similar game systems https://owlbear-action-tracker.onrender.com/manifest.json